Sunday, November 30, 2008

Buzz Buzz

I've been a busy bee this month. Haven't posted anything, but I've been making stuff. I set the twist and finished my Valkyrie yarn:


Consider that a Handspun Monday post :)

Finished a lovely, squishy scarf in Malabrigo:

I'm officially a Malabrigo fan now. I didn't get what all the fuss was about til I felt the stuff for myself. Wow. Anyway, the scarf itself is just done in Purse Stitch (found it in Vogue Stitchionary Vol. 1) and not blocked.

Had a blast at Stitches East. Made another pair of armwarmers (of which I do not have pics... sorry!). Had a ball spinning with Pam while our boys shot each other with little plastic bb's. And started two Christmas presents. Which I cannot show you, because, well, they're Christmas presents! I'm gonna be knitting and crocheting and spinning myself into a frenzy for the next 25 days. At the same time, I have to register for classes and figure out how I'm paying for grad school in the spring. And attend various performances and football parties. And cook my Christmas specialties. Yes, I have a full time job. Whee!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Columbina Revealed

Well, it didn't quite go off without a SNAFU (none of my projects ever do, so I don't know why I expected this one to...), but I'd say my costume turned out okay. Not quite as elegant as I'd envisioned, but hey. Nothing ever is. So now, because I know you, my friends, have been waiting for pics, I give you...



From the back:

The mask is from Mythical Masks and the feather barette is from Dragon Wings. The blouse, skirt, and corset were of course painstakingly crafted by yours truly. I painted the diamond pattern -- well, printed more like. I cut a big chunk of stamp rubber into a diamond, and painted fabric paint onto it, and printed the fabric with that.


The sequins at the points were Mom's idea, and she even volunteered to sew them on. My mom rocks. :)

Happily, the party went far more smoothly than the costume. I think my friend Matt had the most clever costume: he was the Nile turning to blood!

P.S. OMG Football! Both my teams were comeback kings this weekend. Amazing. And awesome.