I am sad to report that I haven't been doing much crafty stuff lately. I've been spinning a bit, but irregularly, and I haven't been documenting my progress. Other than that, I've given up on my crocheted sock (wasn't turning out the way I wanted; I guess it would help if I started out with patterns rather than always making shit up as I go along), haven't worked on my tank top, and pretty much stalled out on everything. I'm sorta finally starting to go stir crazy and want a crochet hook in my hand, but still not enough to get me going quite yet. It's strange, how for a while you can want to do only one thing all day, and then for a while you're really not interested. I figure if I don't force it, my creative desire will come back, and am trying not to worry about myself for not being in the mood for yarny pursuits.
Meanwhile, a while back my friend
Megan tagged me for a meme. I'm thinking it'll be a fun way of getting my blogging juices flowing again. So here we go!
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Magnificent Facts:
1. I'm rather shy. Have a really hard time starting conversations with people I don't know very well. And perhaps a related fact, I cannot stand answering machines and voice mail. I'm completely inept at leaving phone messages.
2. For a medievalist, I know shockingly little about the Middle Ages. I like to blame the structure of my undergraduate education requirements for that -- limits on the number of credits you can take in a given department kept me from specializing quite as much as I wanted to.
3. I hate Monopoly.
4. I like steampunk. Didn't really notice this until recently, when I learned that several of the movies and themes that I like are considered to be steampunk
. The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, stuff like that. And I've been drawn to
this kind of stuff more and more recently.
5. I don't like being drunk. Really don't enjoy it. Feeling like I can't even control my own limbs properly is not a good feeling.
6. I'm a right-leaning moderate.
7. Actually, I have a hard time talking about myself, describing myself in things like this. It's taken me forever to come up with all this stuff, and I still end up feeling like why do people want to know this? Why do I want people to know this? And if I'm gonna feel this way, why did I do the meme to begin with? Ah well. Guess I'm also a paradox like that.
Gonna break the rules. No tagging. I don't know enough people that would do it anyway. If you feel like doing this meme, go for it. If not, don't sweat it. Freedom of blogging! :)