Happy New Year! Hello 2009! For some reason, I'm not very optimistic about this year, but I'm trying not to focus on that. Instead, there is a bit of a short-term list of things I'm trying to focus on.
1. Operation Stashbuster 2009. Yesterday Mom and I weeded out all the stuff we don't want from the Yarn Room. It's all going to charity. Why have yarn you don't like anymore or are never going to use sitting around? Plus, we rediscovered stuff we had forgotten we had, and found perfect yarns for projects we've had in mind. Next step for me is to finish what I've got started, or else chuck it. There are some things that I have to finish. Other than that, if I'm not interested in it anymore, it's getting frogged or pitched. After that's done, I'm pulling from the stash and getting things done. Already streamlined my Ravelry queue down to things I'm actually going to make, which I can make from the stash. Plus, I'm going to comb and spin all of that alpaca fleece I have. It's been washed, now it needs to be used. Furthermore, no yarn or fiber buying, except at MDSW.
2. School is starting. I'm going to grad school, and it's going to consume what little free time I have. In the long run, this is a good thing. I'm also going to use it to aid Operation Stashbuster 2009, because I have a train ride to my campus, which I am going to use as knit/crochet time.
3. RAVENS IN THE PLAYOFFS!!!! Wildcard game against the Miami Dolphins is this Sunday. I'm psyched. Even if the Ravens don't make it past this game, I'm thrilled, because who expected that team, with a rookie coach and a rookie QB and a dismal last-year's record to do well at all this year? Not even the devoted fan sitting right here. Even one playoff game is a fabulous surprise. Dare I hope for the Superbowl?
So far, those are my thoughts on this new year. Not much, and not great, but that's another thing I'm working on: optimism.
P.S. It's been so long since I posted and there are no pictures because my computer got eated by a virus. Weeks ago. And I haven't had the chance to get it fixed yet. Cross your fingers for me that my files can be retrieved...